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The POWER:PACK EVO is a portable rechargeable battery pack for the Nintendo Switch. Mounted to the back of the Console, the POWER:PACK EVO provides a powerful 7.000 mAh battery that can produce almost two full charges and quickly deliver a full charge in just over 3 hours. A USB cable...

The POWER:PACK EVO is a portable rechargeable battery pack for the Nintendo Switch. Mounted to the back of the Console, the POWER:PACK EVO provides a powerful 7.000 mAh battery that can produce almost two full charges and quickly deliver a full charge in just over 3 hours.

A USB cable is also included and when connected a 4 stage LED will display the current charging status as well as indicate the current power status during use.

A deployable Kickstand is also integrated and allows the console to be placed in a firm and free-standing position.

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