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Action and Stunning VisualsCombo action with stunning visuals and dynamic animation – Indulge in a wide array of Mobile Suit weaponry to crush many foes with! Control Mobile Suits portrayed with realistic weathering that showcases them as weapons of war as they tear across the battlefield with dynamic animations.Transform Your...

Action and Stunning Visuals
Combo action with stunning visuals and dynamic animation – Indulge in a wide array of Mobile Suit weaponry to crush many foes with! Control Mobile Suits portrayed with realistic weathering that showcases them as weapons of war as they tear across the battlefield with dynamic animations.

Transform Your Favorite Machine
Strange phenomena known as Breaks are twisting legendary moments from Gundam history, and you're in charge to fix them – Experience Gundam history's most famous scenes as you develop new Mobile Suits to add to your arsenal. Gather Capital and expansion parts to transform your favorite machine into the ultimate MS.

Enjoy Solo or With Friends
Tackle missions with friends in multiplayer! – Launch into battle with 2 partners to back you up. In multiplayer, you can play through the game with up to 2 other players in a 3-person team. Enjoy this new SD Gundam action RPG solo, or with friends.

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