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Features & Specifications:-USB studio microphone with RGB lighting. -Stylish housing with RGB on stand support volume mute.-One click for Noise cancelling control.-High end omnidirectional microphone designed for 360 degree radio reception.-USB plug cable, durable and compatible with all desktop computers and laptops.-Sampling Rate :  8K ,16K….41.1K , 48K , 96KHz -Frequency  : ...

Features & Specifications:
-USB studio microphone with RGB lighting. 
-Stylish housing with RGB on stand support volume mute.
-One click for Noise cancelling control.
-High end omnidirectional microphone designed for 360 degree radio reception.
-USB plug cable, durable and compatible with all desktop computers and laptops.
-Sampling Rate :  8K ,16K….41.1K , 48K , 96KHz 
-Frequency  :  100Hz~10K Hz 
-USB Cable :  1.8m 
-Product size :   165 x 90 x 90  mm 
-Materials: Plastic    
-System compatibility : Win 7  8 10  Win11




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