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IINE Wireless Controller Transparent For Switch / Switch OLED [L566] IINE Wake up Controller Black As Joycon in market ables to wake up Switch directly from our Pro Controller, and this Controller is with auto-fire Support. IINE Wake up Controller Black As Joycon provides high performance with the turbo functions,...

IINE Wireless Controller Transparent For Switch / Switch OLED [L566]

IINE Wake up Controller Black As Joycon in market ables to wake up Switch directly from our Pro Controller, and this Controller is with auto-fire Support.

IINE Wake up Controller Black As Joycon provides high performance with the turbo functions, precision offset analog sticks, fast-action trigger shoulder buttons and other high sensitive buttons, you will enjoy an extremely game play experience.

With the LED indication instruction light, it allows you to understand the state of charge.

Its ergonomic design and light weight construction make it comfortable even for long hours of continuous gaming. You can now enjoy your Nintendo Switch with the best gaming experience.


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