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Razer Goliathus MobileWhen you’re gaming on the move, you won’t be at your best without your gaming essentials. Introducing the Razer Goliathus Mobile gaming mouse mat, the perfect balance of speed and control, engineered to deliver highly responsive tracking. At only 1.5 mm thin, this impressive surface is incredibly light...

Razer Goliathus Mobile
When you’re gaming on the move, you won’t be at your best without your gaming essentials. Introducing the Razer Goliathus Mobile gaming mouse mat, the perfect balance of speed and control, engineered to deliver highly responsive tracking. At only 1.5 mm thin, this impressive surface is incredibly light weight and portable, making it easy for you to take it everywhere so you’ll always have the unfair advantage.

At only 1.5mm thin this impressive mouse mat is incredibly light weight and portable, making it easy for you to take it wherever you go

Engineered to give you the perfect balance of speed and control

Optimized surface for highly responsive tracking

Rubberized base for optimal comfort


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