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Persona is a RPG series set in modern-day Japan that is acclaimed for its narrative style of confronting everyday realities such as forging friendships and romances, alongside supernatural and paranormal themes, including uncovering and solving mysterious rumors and various urban legends. The series typically follows a story that unfolds after...

: Nintendo Switch

Persona is a RPG series set in modern-day Japan that is acclaimed for its narrative style of confronting everyday realities such as forging friendships and romances, alongside supernatural and paranormal themes, including uncovering and solving mysterious rumors and various urban legends.

The series typically follows a story that unfolds after a group of teenagers discover their abilities as Persona-users, chronicling the growth of their friendship and inner selves as they confront numerous obstacles. In recent years, the franchise has been adapted to animated TV series, animated films, music concerts, theatrical stages, manga, and continues to expand its influence.

“Persona” refers to the alternate persona that lies within you—another “you” who materializes themselves in form of mythical deities and demons possessing great power.


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