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The game features a tough-talking, coffee-loving Pikachu who calls himself a “great detective.” Though this Pikachu has an arrogant attitude and acts like a middle-aged man, he somehow manages to stay lovable. This Pikachu's partner is a young man named Tim Goodman. With the help of many other Pokémon, Tim...

The game features a tough-talking, coffee-loving Pikachu who calls himself a “great detective.” Though this Pikachu has an arrogant attitude and acts like a middle-aged man, he somehow manages to stay lovable.

This Pikachu's partner is a young man named Tim Goodman. With the help of many other Pokémon, Tim and Pikachu work together to solve a series of mysterious incidents that are occurring in Ryme City, a city where humans and Pokémon live side by side.


Warranty: 7 Days Replacement for Factory Defect


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