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Explore the cybercity Roam surroundings high and low, defend against unforeseen threats and solve the mysteries of this unwelcoming place inhabited by nothing but unassuming robots and dangerous creatures. Be stealthy Be nimble, silly, and sometimes as annoying as possible with the strange inhabitants of this foreign world. Befriend a...

Explore the cybercity

Roam surroundings high and low, defend against unforeseen threats and solve the mysteries of this unwelcoming place inhabited by nothing but unassuming robots and dangerous creatures.

Be stealthy

Be nimble, silly, and sometimes as annoying as possible with the strange inhabitants of this foreign world.

Befriend a drone

Along the way, the cat befriends a small flying drone, known only as B-12. With the help of this newfound companion, the duo try to find a way out.


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