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Legendary DMC action returns, made all the more stylish by the power modern gaming has to offer. The Devil May Cry series boasts over 16 million sales worldwide. The first game in this popular series to make its debut in the current generation, bringing stylish mayhem against fiendish foes at...

: PlayStation

Legendary DMC action returns, made all the more stylish by the power modern gaming has to offer.

The Devil May Cry series boasts over 16 million sales worldwide.

The first game in this popular series to make its debut in the current generation, bringing stylish mayhem against fiendish foes at the hands of Devil Hunters with demon blood in their veins.


The fast-paced action you love, the devilish combat you crave!

Stylish action makes a triumphant return in the ramped-up sword-and-gun gameplay the DMC series is known for.

Climb the Stylish Ranks!

Chain together stylish combos in battle to trigger a Stylish Rank on the right side of the screen, which rises as you continue your artistic onslaught. Shooting for higher Stylish Ranks has all sorts of benefits, even pumping up the battle music at higher ranks.

Nothing beats the feeling of finishing off a battle at SSS Rank!

Defeating foes with style nets you more Red Orbs, the mainstay DMC currency for powering up your character.Magical red stones of crystallized demon blood.

Exchange these for new weapons and skills.

Make the demons' power your own Use Red Orbs to learn new skills. You can even refill your Devil Breakers or stock up on items.

Warranty: 7 Days Replacement for Factory Defect

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