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Model: Spongebob keycap set (138 keys)Specification Pbt materialMade of thickened PBT instead of ABS material, it is designed with a matte texture and an oil-resistant coating that dries and is oil-resistant, providing the ultimate typing experience and durability.Dye-subprocess legendAll keycaps are extremely durable and can be worn for decades. Legends...

: Akko

Model: Spongebob keycap set (138 keys)


Pbt material
Made of thickened PBT instead of ABS material, it is designed with a matte texture and an oil-resistant coating that dries and is oil-resistant, providing the ultimate typing experience and durability.

Dye-subprocess legend
All keycaps are extremely durable and can be worn for decades. Legends are especially bright, sharp, and have high contrast. Ideal for heavy typing users who like gamers and programmers.

Novelty keycaps
Comes with additional replacement keycaps to match your mechanical keyboard for free.

Warranty: 1 Month Local Service Warranty



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